
Grand Final

  • 1
    This house regrets the narrative that you have to love yourself before you could love anyone else.
  • 2
    This house opposes the golden rule.
  • 3
    This house believes that the minor gods should unionize.
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    This House Prefers a world where the Socrates Machine exists.
  • 2
    This house believes that academics should NOT publicly debate famous pseudoscientists (e.g., advocates of science denialism, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, etc.)
  • 3
    This House Prefers a world where nobody has the ability to lie.
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    This house believes that men should not hold leadership positions within women's rights and feminist organizations.
  • 2
    As a woman, This house would embrace being successful but intensely disliked, over attempting to achieve community success and approval.
  • 3
    As social justice movements, This house would prioritize grassroots community building over legislative and legal action
  • Round 3

  • 1
    This house, as a rising and talented young player about to enter a professional league, would prefer a middle-tier team over a top-tier team.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    This House Supports the use of tough-on-crime policies in countries with high rates of crime.
  • Round 1

  • 1
    This House Opposes the commercialisation of mental health awareness